Wednesday, February 18, 2009

summer candy, cypress trees & fallen petals

A few of my favorite things photographed with a Holga to inspire me these days. You might be wondering why I haven't been posting work lately. I've been working on some private commissions, seven to be exact, so you can imagine they are keeping me very busy. I will try my best to have new work up soon. In the meantime I'm dreaming about summer...


  1. beeeeyootiful. you've got a magical eye, miss. now gimme some candy.

  2. thanks so much for posting .... I had so been thinking of asking when the next post was! love in the particular the one of Haifa - the air has just the right quality

  3. I really want to get one of those cameras. I love the images that come out...just cannot be replicated with an SLR.

  4. Oh so pretty - I can't resist those candies!

  5. oh cypress trees, I'd *hug* you if I could. What a stunning picture. I need to look into this Holga business. While I'm a fan of candy, I can't help but wonder how unsanitary this open concept is....I shudder at the thought.....but I'm sure I'd eventually close my eyes and buy a pound of sour patch peaches candy. (;

    Congrats on the commissions, I'm sure they will be incredible works of beauty.

  6. SEVEN?! sheesh.

    walking in haifa now (well, a few minutes before now... actually, i could pick up this laptop and walk around with it to make that statement entirely true... there!...) and thinking of you. and praying for a job. so i can be commission number EIGHT. yessss.

  7. lovely pics....the candy one makes me want to eat everything in sight :)

  8. So pretty. I love Holga images... I might have to get one of those cameras. There is something magical about the photos because you can't control everything.

  9. These are so so beautiful! I have been wondering, but wow--that is a hefty workload. Good for you. I hope we get to see some of the work when it's finished:)

  10. Those cypress trees make me think of Italy, its light and beauty...
