Wednesday, October 18, 2017


This budding astronaut is letting her imagination soar as she explores new worlds...A tribute to the child girl, a subject that has been on my mind in following the news all over the world; from child marriages, to genocide, to real life accounts of daily harassment & struggle, I look forward to the day when we can let her just be a child...Also an hommage to Joan Miró, one of my favorite artists since childhood.. 
This painting is 31.5" in diameter & is available FOR SALE. All inquiries welcome at shirinsahba

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Within You Without You

Another birthday of yours has arrived mama. I can't help think of what it would have been to have a mama around to help with all the things that only you could help with. I find myself drowning in questions hanging about the air of life without you around to impart your wisdom. Miró always asks about you as if keenly aware that you have just left & wasn't there to see you go...But one beautiful gift this has given me is to seek you out in all the amazing women there are in this colourful world. I have so many interesting new friends because of you, each one cares in different ways, each one loves your grandson in their own way, & together this sea of beautiful women can maybe just maybe fill the magnificent gigantic vacant hole of your physical singular presence.
*A photo of you pregnant with your beloved firstborn. I've always loved this photo of you. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Colours of Menorca

She looks out from her rooftop with her loyal friend by her side atop a typical Menorcan house, basking in the pastels that are aglow in the sunset. Inspired by summer days spent in this jewel of an island & it's incredible skies.
This painting is 31.5" in diameter on a handmade stretcher canvas & is available FOR SALE. ll inquiries are most welcome at shirinsahba!